The Landscape series began in June of 2023. In counterpoint to the previous decade-long Florals series, these new works, also in oil, are based on observation, memory, and some reference imagery. In order to convey the sense of the mood and mystery evocative of a tonalist work, they are created using a restricted palette of five colors plus white and, if necessary, a few support colors. There are no preliminary drawings and most are completed without the the use of an underpainting. Except for brush cleaning, no solvents or special mediums are used, only Refined Linseed Oil (more info on Studio Notes page), and a variety of inexpensive and high quality bristle brushes. Marks are also made using cotton rags, paper towels, swabs, my fingers and anything else suitable to convey a certain texture, mood and light. Except for when an underpainting is used the compositions are completed in a single session and some follow-up work if necessary, after drying.